
Department of Allied Health Sciences

The Department of Allied Health Sciences is composed of faculty with expertise in bioethics, disease identification and diagnosis, disease surveillance, health disparities, health education, medical humanities, and patient-provider communication.

In addition to teaching the humanities and social science coursework integral to all the College’s academic programs, the Department offers Bachelor’s degree programs in Public Health, Clinical Lab Sciences and Health Sciences. It is also home to Master’s degree programs in Clinical Lab Sciences and Cytotechnology and Molecular Cytology.

Departmental Faculty


Scholarly Activity Reports

2018 scholarly activity report

The activities listed below are by members of the Department of Allied Health Sciences and span the period from January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018.

* - ACPHS students denoted in bold.


Allison Burton-Chase

  • Sun CC, Daniels MS, Bodurka DC, Nebgen D, Burton-Chase AM, Lu KH, Peterson SK. Women's preferences for cancer risk management strategies in Lynch syndrome. Gynecologic Oncology (In Press).
  • Hennig K, DeCoster B, Chu R, Parker WM, Campo-Engelstein L, Burton-Chase AM. (2018) Patients education health care providers on Lynch syndrome: A Qualitative Study. Patient Experience Journal, 5(3), Article 12.
  • Burton-Chase AM, Parker WM, Donato KM, McCormick S, Gritz E, Amos CI, Lu KH, Lynch PM, Rodriguez-Bigas MA, You YN, Peterson SK. 2018. Health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors: Are there differences between sporadic and hereditary patients?” Journal of Patient Reported Outcomes, 2, 21.

Paul Denvir

  • Denvir P, Cardone K, Parker W, Cerulli J. (2018). “How do I say that?”: Using communication principles to enhance medication therapy management instruction. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 10, 185-194.

Colleen McLaughlin

  • Williams L, Kehm R, Mueller B, McLaughlin C, Richardson M, Chow E, Spector L. The association between sex and most childhood cancers is not mediated by birthweight. Cancer Epidemiology 2018 Dec;57:7-12.

Wendy Parker

  • Hennig K, DeCoster B, Chu R, Parker WM, Campo-Engelstein L, Burton-Chase AM. 2018. Patients Educating Health Care Providers on Lynch Syndrome: A Qualitative Study. Patient Experience Journal, 5(3), Article 12.
  • Campo-Engelstein L, Aziz R, Raffeale J, Darivemila S, Bhatni R, Parker WM. 2018. Freezing Fertility or Freezing False Hope?: A Content Analysis of Social Egg-Freezing in the Popular Media. American Journal of Bioethics: Empirical Bioethics (In Press).
  • Burton-Chase AM, Parker WM, Donato KM, McCormick S, Gritz E, Amos CI, Lu KH, Lynch PM, Rodriguez-Bigas MA, You YN, Peterson SK. 2018. Health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors: Are there differences between sporadic and hereditary patients?” Journal of Patient Reported Outcomes, 2, 21.
Conferences and Presentations

Allison Burton-Chase

  • Hennig K, Hall P, Moore K, Burton-Chase AM. Advanced care planning in individuals with Lynch syndrome. Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), San Diego CA, October 2018 (Poster Presentation).
  • Burton-Chase AM. Negotiation: Strategies and Best Practices. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), Seattle WA, March 2018 (Symposium panelist).
  • Burton-Chase AM, Dubin R, Dubin D. The HEROIC registry: Opportunities for collaboration. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), New York NY, March 2018 (Poster Presentation).
  • Burton-Chase AM, Dubin R, Dubin D. The HEROIC registry: Opportunities for collaboration. Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists, New Orleans LA, March 2018 (Poster Presentation).
  • Mateo T, Burton-Chase AM, Parker WM. Experiences with screening and surveillance: Evidence from a mixed methods study of women with Lynch syndrome. 6th Annual Capital District Feminist Studies Consortium Conference, Albany NY, January 2018 (Poster Presentation).

Stacy Pettigrew

  • Pettigrew S, Pan W, Berky A, Feingold B. Nutrition Transition and Total Nail Selenium in the Peruvian Amazon in the IMAS Study (Investigacion de Migracion, Ambiente, y Salud). International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Annual Conference, Ottawa CA, August 26-30, 2018. 

Paul Denvir

  • Denvir P. Constructing medication nonadherence: Patients’ practices for balancing agency and accountability during in-depth pharmacy counseling. 8th Annual Meeting of LANSI (Language and Social Interaction Working Group), October 2018.
  • Niles K, Guiffre K, Varriele B, Denvir P. Adherence counseling during comprehensive medication reviews: Preliminary patterns of pharmacist-patient communication. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Anaheim CA, December 2018. [student project]
  • Niles K, Guiffre K, Varriele B, Denvir P. Adherence talk during comprehensive medication reviews: Preliminary patterns of pharmacist-patient communication. 5th Annual ACPHS Student Research Symposium at Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, April 2018. [student project]

Wendy Parker 

  • Parker WM. Social Determinants of Health. Albany Medical College, Health Care and Society Course. 2018.
  • Gawdat M, Parker WM, Johnsen A, Baumeister T, Cardone KE. 2018. Medicare part D coverage of phosphate binders. American Society of Health-System Pharmacy Midyear Clinical Meeting, Anaheim CA, December 2018. 
  • Karn, MM, Cardone KE, Parker WM. Social Support and Medication Management in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD, February 21-25, 2018. 
  • Mateo T, Burton-Chase AM, Parker WM. Experiences with screening and surveillance: Evidence from a mixed methods study of women with Lynch syndrome. 6th Annual Capital District Feminist Studies Consortium Conference, Albany NY, January 2018.
Honors, Awards and Appointments

Allison Burton-Chase

  • Partner, AliveAndKickn HEROIC Mosaic Research Community, 2018-present
  • Early Career Special Interest Group Chair, American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), 2018-present

Colleen McLaughlin
Investigator: Colleen McLaughlin (PI)
Project: Public Health Pharmacy Team
Grantor: Alliance for Better Health Innovation Fund 2018 
Amount: $486,475 
Term: August 2018 - March 2019 

Stacy Pettigrew
Investigator: Stacy Pettigrew (PI) for Radix Center
Project: Innovation Blocks Pilot
Grantor: Alliance for Better Health Innovation Fund 2018
Amount: $159,000
Term: July 2018 - June 2019

2017 scholarly activity report

The activities listed below are by members of the Department of Allied Health Sciences and span the period from January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017.


Allison Burton-Chase

  • Silvera, S. A. N., Burton-Chase, A. M., Phillips, L., Thompson, C. L., Stolley, M., Chang, S. (in press) Creating and managing a work/life balance as a junior investigator in the academic environment – A report from the American Society of Preventive Oncology’s Junior Members Interest Group. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
  • Burton-Chase, A. M., Parker, W. M., Polivka, K. M., Gritz, E. R., Amos, C. I., Lu, K. H., Lynch, P. M., Rodriguez-Bigas, M. A., You, Y. N., & Peterson, S. K. (2017) A comparison between Lynch syndrome and sporadic colorectal cancer survivors’ satisfaction with their health care providers. Cancer Medicine, 6(3); 698-707.
  • Burton-Chase, A. M., Parker, W. M., Hennig, K., Sisson, F., & Bruzzone, L. (2017) The use of social media to recruit participants with rare conditions: Lynch syndrome as an example. JMIR Research Protocols, 6(1); e12.
  • Katz, L. H., Burton-Chase, A. M., Advani, S., Fellman, F., Polivka, K. M., Ying, Y., Lynch, P. M., Pande, M., & Peterson, S. K. (2017) Cancer screening behaviors and risk perceptions among family members of colorectal cancer patients with unexplained mismatch repair deficiency. Familial Cancer, 2(16); 231-237.
  • Burton-Chase, A. M., Kwak, J., Hennig, K. & Haley, W. E. (2017) Elder Caregiving. In Reference Module of Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. New York: Elsevier.

Paul Denvir 

  • Denvir, P., Cardone, K. Parker, W. & Cerulli, J. (Online November 2017). “How do I say that?”: Using communication principles to enhance medication therapy management instruction. To appear in Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning.

Wendy Parker

  • Denvir PM, Cardone KE, Parker WM, Cerulli J. 2017. “How do I say that?”: Using Communication Principles to Enhance Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Instruction. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
  • Parker, W.M., Donato, K*., Cardone, KE., and Cerulli, J. 2017. “Self-Confidence in Experiential Education: Building Towards Systematic Training of Medication Therapy Management” Pharmacy, 5(3), 39; doi:10.3390/pharmacy5030039
  • Campo-Engelstein, L., Kaufman, S.*, and Parker, W.M. 2017. " Where Is the Pill for the 'Reproductive Man'? A Content Analysis of Contemporary US Newspaper Articles". Men and Masculinities.  
  • Burton-Chase, A.M., Parker, W.M., Povilka, K.M.*, Gritz, E.R., Amos, C.I, Frazier, M.L., Lu, K.H., Lynch, P.M., Rodriguez-Bigas, M., Yu, N., and Petersen, S.K. 2017. ”A comparison between Lynch syndrome and sporadic colorectal cancer survivors’ satisfaction with their health care providers.” Cancer Medicine. 6 (3):698–707. DOI: 10.1002/cam4.1033.
  • Burton-Chase AM, Parker WM, *Hennig K, *Sisson F, Bruzzone LL 2017. “The Use of Social Media to Recruit Participants With Rare Conditions: Lynch Syndrome as an Example”. JMIR Res Protoc 2017;6(1):e12 DOI: 10.2196/resprot.6066 PMID: 28115298

Allison Burton-Chase

  • Burton-Chase, A.M., Dubin, R., Dubin, D. The HEROIC Registry: Opportunities for Collaboration. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), Orlando, FL, 10/2017
  • Burton-Chase, A.M., Dubin, R., Dubin, D. The HEROIC Registry: Opportunities for Collaboration. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC), Columbus, OH, 09/2017
  • Donato, K.M., Moore, K., Parker, W.M., Peterson, S.K., Gritz, E.R., Amos, C., Lu, K.H., Lynch, P.M., Rodriguez-Bigas, M.A., You, N., Burton-Chase, A.M. Health behaviors and preventive screening in female colorectal cancer survivors with and without Lynch syndrome. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), Seattle, WA. 03/2017
  • Burton-Chase, A. M. Choosing the Right Academic Environment for You. Panelist for a symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), Seattle, WA. 03/2017
  • Burton-Chase, A.M., Hennig, K., LeBorgne A., Chu R., Campo-Engelstein, L., Parker, W.  The impact of care coordination on provider satisfaction in Lynch syndrome survivors and previvors. Poster presented at the 2017 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Forum, Albany, NY. 01/2017
  • Hennig, K., Chu R., DeCoster B., LeBorgne A., Parker, W., Campo-Engelstein, L., Burton-Chase, A.M.  The impact of care coordination on provider satisfaction in Lynch syndrome survivors and previvors. Poster presented at the 2017 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Forum, Albany, NY. 01/2017
  • Donato, K.M., Parker, W.M., McCormick, S., O’Grady, T., Burton-Chase, A.M. Health-related quality of life in Lynch syndrome patients. Poster presented at the 2017 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Research Forum, Albany, NY. 01/2017 

Paul Denvir

  • Denvir, P. (2017). “You’re gonna’ not be happy with me”: How patients navigate autonomy and accountability when reporting medication adherence problems to pharmacists. Presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of National Communication Association. November 2017.

Wendy Parker 

  • Parker, W.M. 2017. “Social Determinants of Health”. Albany Medical College, Health Care and Society Course (invited presentation)
  • Clancy, D*. and Parker, W.M. 2017. “Is the System Meeting the Patients’ Needs? An Exploratory Study of Psychiatric Patients in the Emergency Department”. New York State Public Health Association Webinar, February 15, 2017 (invited presentation)
  • Donato, KM*, Karn, MM*, Cerulli, J, Cardone, KE, and Parker, WM. 2017. “Medication Therapy Management: A Missed Opportunity to Address Health and Social Disparities” New York State Public Health Association Round table Presentation; Lake Placid, NY; April 27-28, 2017.
  • Donato, KM*, Moore, K.*, Parker, WM., Gritz, E., Amos, CI, Lu, KH, Lynch, PM, Rodriguez-Bigas, MA, You, YN, Peterson, SK, and Burton-Chase, AM. 2017. “Health Behaviors and Preventive Screening in Colorectal Cancer Survivors with and without Lynch Syndrome” ASPO, March 2017. 
  • Parker, WM. 2017. “Contemporary Stay at Home Moms: Revisioning Social Norms or Not?” Presentation at the Capital District Feminist Studies Conference, Albany, NY, January 20, 2017.
  • Parker, WM, Donato, KM*, Nnani, D., and Grabe, D. 2017. “Disparities in Hypertension Among Women: Exploring Social, Economic and Health-Related Risk Factors.” Poster at Capital District Feminist Studies Conference, Albany, NY, January 20, 2017.
Honors & Appointments

Allison Burton-Chase 

  • Member, Abstract Committee, Collaborative Group of the Americas on Colorectal Cancer
  • Vice-Chair, Early Career Special Interest Group, American Society of Preventive Oncology
  • Member, Medical Advisory Board, Alive and Kickn Colorectal Cancer Patient Advocacy Organization 

2016 scholarly activity report

The activities listed below are by members of the Department of Allied Health Sciences and span the period from January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016.


Allison M. Burton-Chase
Burton-Chase AM, Parker WM, Hennig K, Sisson F, Bruzzone L. The use of social media to recruit participants with rare conditions: Lynch syndrome as an example. JMIR Research Protocols (in press).

Katz LH, Burton-Chase AM, Advani S, Fellman F, Polivka KM, Ying Y, Lynch PM, Pande M, Peterson SK. Screening adherence and cancer risk perceptions in family members of colorectal cancer survivors with Lynch-like syndrome. Familial Cancer (in press).

Silvera SAN, Burton-Chase AM, Phillips L, Thompson CL, Stolley M, Chang S. Creating and managing a work/life balance as a junior investigator in the academic environment – A report from the American Society of Preventive Oncology’s Junior Members Interest Group. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (in press).

Burton-Chase AM, Kwak J, Hennig K, Haley WE. Elder Caregiving. In Reference Module of Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. New York: Elsevier (in press).

Rogith D, Yusuf RA, Hovick SR, Fellman BM, Peterson SK, Burton-Chase AM, Li Y, Bernsam EV, Meric-Bernstam F. (2016) Patient knowledge and Information seeking about personalized cancer therapy. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 88; 52-57.

Katz LH, Burton-Chase AM, Advani S, Fellman F, Polivka K, Ying Y, Lynch PM, Pande M, Peterson SK. (2016) Screening adherence and cancer risk perceptions in colorectal cancer survivors with Lynch-like syndrome. Clinical Genetics, 89 (3); 392-398.

Wendy Parker
Polimeni JM, Iorgulescu RI, Almalki A, Albu L, Parker WM, Chandrasekara R. (2016) Assessment of Macro-level Socioeconomic Factors that Impact Waterborne Diseases: The Case of Jordan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(12):1181. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13121181.

Parker WM, Ferreira K, Vernon L, Cardone KE. (2016) The Delicate Balance of Keeping It All Together: Using Social Capital to Manage Multiple Medications for Patients on Dialysis. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, S1551-7411(16)30312-6. PMID: 27567742 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.07.008.

Campo-Engelstein L, Santacrose LB, Master Z, Parker WM. (2016) Bad Moms and Blameless Dads: The Portrayal of Maternal and Paternal Age and Preconception Harm in U.S. Newspapers. American Journal of Bioethics: Empirical Bioethics, 7(1): 56-63. DOI:10.1080/23294515.2015.1053007.


Allison M. Burton-Chase
Hennig K, Chu R, DeCoster B, LeBorgne A, Parker WM, Campo-Engelstein L, Burton-Chase, AM. The impact of care coordination on provider satisfaction in Lynch syndrome survivors and previvors. Poster presented at the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Student Summer Research Award Day, Albany, NY, November 2016.

Burton-Chase AM, Hennig K, LeBorgne A, Chu R, Campo-Engelstein L, Parker WM. The impact of care coordination on provider satisfaction in Lynch syndrome survivors and previvors. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), Seattle, WA, October 2016.

Hennig K, Chu R, DeCoster B, LeBorgne A, Parker WM, Campo-Engelstein L, Burton-Chase AM. The impact of care coordination on provider satisfaction in Lynch syndrome survivors and previvors. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), Seattle, WA, October 2016.

Chikermane S, Polimeni J, Burton-Chase AM, Chandrasekara R, O’Grady T. Effects of education and other socioeconomic variables on HIV seroprevalence in Russia, India, South Africa, and the United States of America. Poster presented at the 21st Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics Research (ISPOR), Washington, DC, May 2016.

Parker WM, Donato KM, Burton-Chase AM. Preventive screening and risk for women with Lynch syndrome: Initial results of a case-control study. Poster presented at the 4th Annual Capital District Feminist Studies Consortium Conference, Albany, NY, January 2016.

Paul Denvir
Williams I, Denvir P. I Didn’t Want Them to Tear Apart Everything I Said: Patient and Provider Perspectives on Sexual Assault Disclosure. Presented at North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, November 2016.

Williams I, Denvir P. Survivors’ disclosure of sexual assault to health care providers: A pilot study on disclosure barriers and consequences. Presented at the 3rd Annual ACPHS Student Research Symposium at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, April 2016.

Adamec A, Courtney K, Donato KM, Denvir P. Communication challenges in recruiting patients for medication therapy management (MTM): How to address patient resistance to participating in MTM. Presented at the 3rd Annual ACPHS Student Research Symposium at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, April 2016.

Yehia A, Denvir P. Adherence talk: Pharmacists’ perspectives on challenges and strategies of patient-centered communication. Presented at the 6th Annual ACPHS Research Forum at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, January 2016.

Thomas O’Grady
Chikermane S, Polimeni J, Burton-Chase AM, Chandrasekara R, O’Grady T. Effects of education and other socioeconomic variables on HIV seroprevalence in Russia, India, South Africa, and the United States of America. Poster presented at the 21st Annual International Meeting of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics Research (ISPOR), Washington, DC, May 2016.

Gumustop S, Nair AA, Meek PD, Racz MJ, O'Grady TJ, Gumustop B. Regional patterns of pancreatectomy case volumes and in-hospital mortality in New York State between 1999-2014. Poster presented at Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, CA, May 2016.

Nair AA, Gumustop SB, Racz MJ, O'Grady TJ, Polimeni JM, Gumustop B, Meek PD. Temporal trends in utilization of pancreatectomy procedures in New York State: 1999-2014. Poster presented at International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 21st Annual International Meeting, Washington, DC, May 2016.

Wendy Parker
DeCoster B, Parker WM. Alliances in Women’s Health: Our Bodies, Ourselves. Invited presentation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Colloquium, Science, and Technology Studies Department, March 9, 2016.

Parker WM. Health Disparities. Invited presentation at Albany Medical College, Health Care and Society Course, 2016.

Parker WM, DeCoster B. Archives of the Women’s Health Movement and the Boston Women’s Health Collective: Evidence of virtues for seeking and building alliances in healthcare. Presentation at the Association for Bioethics and Humanities, Washington DC, October 6-9, 2016.

Aziz R, Darivelmula S, Raffaele J, Bhatia R, Parker WM, Campo-Engelstein L. Freezing Fertility or Freezing False Hope? A Content Analysis of the Portrayal of Social Egg Freezing in the US Print Media. Presentation at the Association for Bioethics and Humanities, Washington DC, October 6-9, 2016.

Parker WM, Donato KM, Nnani D, Grabe D. Disparities in Hypertension Among Women: Exploring Social, Economic and Health-Related Risk Factors. Concordium 2016, Crystal City, VA, September 11-12, 2016.

Wegrzyn NM, Parker WM, Pai AB, Daoui R, Daoui S, Cardone, KE. Health Literacy and Self-Management of Medications Among Patients at an Outpatient Nephrology Office. Poster presented at Academy Health, Boston, MA, June 2016.

Wegrzyn NM, Parker WM, Pai AB, Daoui R, Hogan-Moulton A, Cardone KE. Assessing health literacy in outpatient nephrology patients. National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meeting, Boston, MA, April 2016.

Parker WM, DeCoster B. Archives of the Women’s Health Movement and the Boston Women’s Health Collective: Evidence of virtues for seeking and building alliances in healthcare. Presentation at Eastern Sociological Society mini-conference on the Sociology of Reproduction, March 17-20, 2016.

DeCoster B, Parker WM. Alliance Building in Women’s HealthCare. Presentation at Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, February 18-21, 2016.

O’Neil G, Parker WM. Behind the Bump: Women’s Decision Making and Expectations of Assisted Reproduction. Presentation at Eastern Sociological Society mini-conference on the Sociology of Reproduction, March 17-20, 2016.

Aziz R, Darivelmula S, Raffaele J, Bhatia R, Parker WM, Campo-Engelstein L. Freezing Fertility or Freezing False Hope? A Content Analysis of the Portrayal of Social Egg Freezing in the US Print Media. Poster presented at Capital District Feminist Studies Conference, Troy, NY, January 2016.

Parker WM, Donato KM, Burton-Chase AM. Preventive screenings and risks for women with Lynch syndrome: Initial results from a case-control study. Poster presented at Capital District Feminist Studies Conference, Troy, NY, January 2016.

O’Neil G, Parker WM. Behind the Bump: Women’s Decision Making and Expectations of Assisted Reproduction, Poster presented at Capital District Feminist Studies Conference, Troy, NY, January 2016.

Honors & Appointments

Allison M. Burton-Chase
Top-Rated Poster Award, Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC) Annual Meeting, October 2016

Vice Chair, Early Career Special Interest Group, American Society of Preventive Oncology

Member, Medical Advisory Board, Alive and Kickn Colorectal Cancer Patient Advocacy Organization

Paul Denvir
Chair, Language and Social Interaction Division of National Communication Association

Wendy Parker
Member, Alliance for Better Health Care, Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Task Force


Wendy Parker
Principal Investigator: Wendy M. Parker
Co-Principal Investigator: Katie E. Cardone
Project: Health disparities and medication management strategies among adolescents and young adults with Diabetes Mellitus
Grantor: John Faunce and Alicia Tracy Roach Fund
Amount: $24,943.36

John Polimeni
Project: An Annotated Bibliography of Calculating Economic Rent
Grantor: Robert Schalkenbach Foundation
Amount: $500
Term: June 1, 2016 - August 31, 2016


Faculty Emertius

Kevin M. Hickey
Kevin M. Hickey, PhD

Associate Professor
Focus: Spatial Theory

Research Interests
My research is on spatialities in Africana literatures, visual arts, and music with focuses on travel, gender, food culture, ecology and ecophilosophies, birds, and Illichean conviviality.